Friday, November 02, 2007

WOO HOO!!!!! Bonds not going to the Hall!

Barry Bonds announced yesterday that if the #756 baseball is entered into the baseball Hall of Fame with an asterisk then he will boycott the building and any ceremony should he be inducted. This is awesome. First off, he should never be inducted in my opinion. I hope he never sets foot into the building, he doesn't deserve it. I can't stand this steroid monkey. Now I know he hasn't ever been tested positive and has never admitted to taking steroids, but come on folks. It is ssssoooooooo obvious that he took steroids that he might as well just admit it and get it over with.

In case you hadn't heard, Mark Echo (the fashion giant)bought the baseball and had fans vote for what to do with it. The choices were:

1. Blast it into space.
2. Mark it with an asterisk. Then give it to the Hall of Fame.
3. Give it to the Hall of Fame unmarked.

Well, as you have probably guessed, option number 2 won the fan voting. The Hall of Fame has said it would take the ball, which is what prompted this wonderful response from the anti-Christ himself.

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